Decorating Your Bedroom for A Good Night’s Sleep

an edited lifestyle decor bedroom better night's sleep

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Get Ready for Some Zzzz’s…

I don’t know about you, but I am seriously missing a good night’s sleep right now. With the craziness that is going on right now, it’s no wonder that we’re all no getting a full eight hours. I know that I’m not the only one and I’ve been searching and for some hints and tips that will help me get some more zzz’s.

I’m usually a decent sleeper, but even I have my moments. When we first moved into our home, I made sure that how we arranged and decorated the room was suitable to help us unwind and relax at the end of the day. You may not think it, but your bedroom decor is one of the key things that can help to give you fall asleep and give you the night’s sleep that you need. Here are my tops tips for how I usually manage to get a good night’s sleep and other little things that you can implement to help you also…


Your bed is where you rest your head at the end of the day, so it’s your top priority to make sure it’s in tip-top shape. If you’re in need of a better mattress, I cannot recommend enough a box memory foam mattress like Simba. There’s such a difference in support, it’s like sleeping on a gorgeous firm cloud. As I’m getting older, I’m fully appreciating the back support.

Once you’ve got your mattress sorted, now is the bedding. Whilst I’ve spoken about bedding from a pretty aspect, from a wellbeing view. It’s worth investing in your bedding, you’re going to be spending a lot of time in it. Pay attention also to the fabrics. Linen is a great option, it can be cold during the hot summer months and warm when you need to be toasty. This duvet set from H&M is a dream to sleep in.


an edited lifestyle decor bedroom better night's sleepan edited lifestyle decor bedroom better night's sleep  an edited lifestyle decor bedroom better night's sleep


Much like your bedding, your window coverings are just as important. My drapes are mostly for display, so we invested in a wooden blind to ensure the light is covered. If you have black-out blinds, adding some pattern or texture with drapes will give your room some interest and make the room feel like a cocoon of warmness.

If you decide to go with just curtains, make sure they are thick ones, lined to make sure no light sneaks through. It will also help ensure that heat will not escape, making sure your bedroom is just the right amount of toasty.


Light in the bedroom is so important. In the evenings, you don’t want bright, glaring light that will send your cortisol through the room. You want soft mood lighting, one that allows your brain to slowly unwind and shut down. I love our smart bulbs as they allow me to set a glowy light as I’m starting to get ready for bed.

At the same time, in the mornings, you want your room flooded with natural, gorgeous light. Part of getting a good night’s sleep is making sure you wake up in the right way. I love to open the blinds first thing in the morning and let my bedroom be filled with light. I’ve also decorated the bedroom with a few wall mirrors to bounce the light to around the room. I’m obsessed with this wooden one and brass one that are in my bedroom. They just make the room feel so much bigger and help to make the room feel relaxed and tranquil. This allows my brain to unwind and think of this room as a place for relaxing, allowing me to sleep better.


an edited lifestyle decor bedroom better night's sleep  an edited lifestyle decor bedroom better night's sleep


How you scent a room is a key decor detail and also allow you to take the steps towards a better night’s sleep. The main way I scent my home is my Neom Wellbeing Pod. Not only is it seriously stylish, but it feels the room with a delicious scent. I love the scent to destress, it’s so relaxing and allows me to turn my mind off.

Another way I scent my bedroom is candles, I have many dotted around the room. Again, I love a gorgeous Neom candle, in the same scent as my wellbeing pod oil. I love lighting them up on a Sunday evening as I’m relaxing with a face mask. Allowing your mind to associate your bedroom as somewhere to pamper yourself and unwind will allow you to fall asleep quicker and your sleep to be deeper. Overall, a better night’s sleep.


I’m a big believer in getting the TV out of the bedroom and having as little technology in the bedroom as possible. Currently, we do have our phones in the bedroom, as our alarm clocks. However, we’re looking to invest in a Lumie alarm clock, one that will wake us up naturally. I don’t know about you, but I dread the sound of my alarm. Not because I don’t want to get up, it’s just a shocking noise to hear that early in the morning. This alarm clock is meant to wake you up easily by mimicking the sun rising.

As much and where possible, try to get rid of the electronics from your room. There’s something about the devices just being nearby that has your body on alert. If you can, set a nighttime mode on your phone, so you can’t be distracted by beeps and notifications. So only the important calls and your alarm will be sounded.




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