The Champagne Lifestyle Blog Survey 2018

Welcome to Champagne Lifestyles blog survey 2018. You know who keeps this blog going? Not me, but you as readers. Without you reading it, this blog would be very boring. It’s thanks to you guys that I bust my little butt off creating, writing, photographing and publishing posts. It’s thanks to you guys that I was nominated for an Amara Interior Blog Awards and was mentioned as a One to Watch at The Northern Blog Awards.

I love making content for my blog. If I didn’t I wouldn’t push myself to work on it every evening and weekends. Doing this while holding down a full-time job, making over a house and living my best life. I’ve been doing this for nearly five years and I’ve loved every minute of it. Recently, I’ve felt that the blog needs a little bit of TLC and a bit of a revamp. Which is why I would like to introduce you to the 2018 blog survey.

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the content I’m creating, as well as your preferences as to when you read blogs, how many posts you’d like to see and everything in between. The blog survey takes five minutes and it would make my day.

Click here to take the blog survey



Sadly, there won’t be any more pet posts for a while. Gorgeous Ozzy (or shadow as I ended up calling her) wouldn’t leave my side so I had to share the shot with her. Which is a shame, because I think we can all agree that my blog views would triple if she became a regular feature. For the meantime, there will be a few already scheduled posts going out for the next couple of weeks (I’ve got myself ahead again) and then I’ll round everything up in a post and start with some new exciting things. Until then, thank you again for taking part in the blog survey and enjoy the blog!

Click here to take the blog survey


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