5 Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Money & Manifest that Success

an edited lifestyle finances improve your relationship with money

Finally Talking About One of My Passions…

I’ve been passionate about personal finances and the relationship with money everyone has. It’s a unique individual journey we all have. For me, it was all about getting myself out of debt and now, building up for our future. My goal for our money for the near future is pretty clear, and I’m doing everything I can to achieve this.

Now, I haven’t always been this clued up. Truthfully, I was never really given any financial education when I was young, other than never spend any money and always save. As we know, the financial relationships Boomers have with their money do not work for Millennials in our current world. And with current world events and the never-ending conversation in regards to the cost of living, talking about your relationship with money has never been more important.

An Edited Budget.

It is because of this, that I created a new account, An Edited Budget. I love following personal finance accounts on Instagram, but for me, they are very clinical. I want something that is knowledgable, but inspiring. This is why I created this account. I wanted to create an aspirational place that documents that you can have a beautiful life, regardless of your budget. I’m going to be very open about my finances, getting personal into the nitty-gritty. If you would like to join in the conversation about personal finance, be sure to follow me on my new account.

Be prepared also for more posts on finances. The interiors content isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s moulding thanks to this new passion project (be prepared for more flips, vintage finds and Facebook Marketplace finds). This blog has always been documentation of what’s going on in my life and right now, talking about money is high on my agenda.

How to Improve Your Relationship with Money.

Back to the subject at hand. Part of my new stance with personal finance is from hitting rock bottom and never wanting to go back there. However, you cannot always live in fear. And with my recent practice of manifestation, I’m truly open to the universe giving me what I deserve when it comes to my finances. I’m personally a believer that it’s a mixture of both. It’s your hard work combined with putting your goals out into the universe that is the ideal combination for creating success. 

So here are my top tips for improving your relationship with money and manifesting that success.

What Does Success Mean to You?

Perhaps the most important of all the steps when it comes to your relationship with money is figuring out what success means to you. Everyone’s definition is different, which is why you have to listen to your inner voice and decided what it means to you. 

If success looks like a large forever home, then that’s your aim for your money. If it’s having an emergency fund or saving for a fruitful retirement, those two are valid. Once you define what success means to you, you’ll be able to channel your goals to this and come up with a successful plan to achieve this.

Overcome Your Childhood Beliefs.

Going back to what I spoke about at the beginning, how we were taught about money and the language behind it does not fit the world we live in now. Constantly being reminded how easy it was to buy a home back in the day or where your parents were at your age does not help to manifest the life you want. Any negative beliefs, conscious or subconscious, you may have about yourself, making money, or success will hold you back from reaching your goals.

Now is the time to break away from these thoughts and take active steps toward improving your relationship with money. Whether it’s meditation, education or therapy, in order to work towards your goals you must change your mindset about money. For me, it was a lot to do with money not always being there and having to spend it now before it disappeared. Even when I started to earn money, there was a constant fear someone would take it away from me (and an abusive ex once tried to), so I would put it into physical things that I wanted. 

Now I know there are no monsters under the bed that are going to run off from it. It’s mine, I worked hard for it and it’s safe. It took a lot of work, but I’m so happy with where I am with my relationship with money and how far I am now from childhood beliefs.

Change Your Wording. 

The way we word things is often more telling than the words we say. And when it comes to your relationship with money, you have to pay attention to how you speak about it. By changing the way you talk about it, you’ll soon notice a shift in the energy around you. Talking about anything related to finances and success in a positive light will help you get used to the idea of having both, make you more conscious of working toward your goals, and help make your dreams a reality. 

An example of this saying something like ‘I’ll never be able to afford that’. Why not change it to “I’m not going to put that into my spending plan right now.’ Already, you’ve changed your attitude toward money. You’ve taken control of your financial success.

Visualise Money as a Tool.

At the end of the day, money is a tool that’s being used as a means to an end. When it comes down to it, money is simply a resource. This resource can give you the freedom to live the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Going back to the first point, this is the life you visualise. Not the one that society or friends and family see for you. If your main goal is to buy that fancy bag you’ve been dreaming of, then the money is the tool you use to get there. Once you take the emotion and fear out of money, you eliminate the idea that money is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. It’s just a tool and one that’s going to give you that amazing life you’ve always wanted.

Have a Rich Mindset.

Have a rich mindset, and the right riches will flow to you. My favourite quote that I live by is ‘the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine’. Much like those Reels making their way around The Gram, you have to start living the life you want. Live like the main character in a movie. Taking small steps daily will help make success more tangible for you. 

If your goal is to own and run a successful business, use Canva and create a logo. Even if you don’t use it right away, put it out there into the universe. I have a ‘dream budget’ tab on my budgeting spreadsheet. Within this, it is set for the budgeting of spending and savings that I would set myself at my dream salary. By putting it out there into the universe that it is and will be possible, the universe will believe and invest in you. There’s no limit to what you can do. You’ve got this.

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