How I’m Organising My Life in the New Year

an edited lifestyle organising my life for the new year

Setting Out Good Intentions for the New Year…

Anyone who knows me knows I love a fresh start and new beginnings. Many will thing that I would have started this last week, you know, when the new year began. However, because in the UK we had a bank holiday on the Monday, I still felt very chaotic. So I decided to give myself another week to get myself together, plan on how I’m organising my life and setting good intentions for 2022.

So new week, new beginnings. If I’m being very honest, since getting Dash in our lives, my whole routine has been thrown off. I’ve also wanted to do a lot of changing things over in my life. I needed a reset and 2022 is the ideal year for this. With this, I’ve been paying particular attention to how I’m organising my life. There are so many things that I use to ensure my prioritising the important things in my life. But there are also tips and tricks outside of physical products that I’m doing to ensure that I’m focusing on the important things.

So here’s how I’m planning to organise my life for 2022…

Creating a New Routine.

The first thing that I’m doing is creating a new routine. One that works for the whole family. Currently, I’m working from home while we crate train Dash, and I’m hopefully going to find myself some part-time work so that I can bring in not only a little extra cash into the accounts, but also to give me more structure. Now, while puppies can be demanding, they sleep a lot. This means there’s good chunks in the day when he’s in his crate and I can do work. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done when you’re crunched for time.

This routine may change, but for now this is how my daily working routine is looking:

My Daily Working Routine.

6:00 am: wake up, take Dash outside, feed him breakfast and a little training.
7:00 am: get ready and make my morning smoothie
8:00 am: start work
10:00 am: wake up Dash, go for a long walk
11:00 am: workout
12:00 pm: lunchtime for both of us, playtime
1:00 pm: continue with work
4:00 pm: wake up Dash, go for an evening walk
5:00 pm: start dinner & evening

This schedule gives me five hours during the day to work (though you know that I’m doing some work in the evenings), which doesn’t seem long, however there’s a lot you can do during this time. I’ve really learnt to work more efficiently and only prioritise what’s important. I’m no longer sweating the small stuff.

I doubt that anyone will have a similar routine to this, but if you’re struggling to feel like you’ve got purpose in your life (which I was for a while), then setting yourself a daily routine will help towards feeling like you’ve achieved something at the end of the day. If you’re interested in seeing in more detail mine for Dash’s routine, you’ll have to let me know if you want me to cover this on Instagram Stories or on my YouTube Channel.

an edited lifestyle organising my life for the new year

Have a Deep Clean of Your Home.

Sounds so simple but one thing that really helped me feel like I was getting back to feeling like myself and motivated me to start organising my life for 2022 was having a huge clean of my home. I took three days to clean every inch of my home and boy did I feel ten times better afterwards.

I would highly recommend dedicating a weekend to cleaning up your home. Come with a plan, I decided to split my home by levels and tackle them one at a time. Get all the products you could need organised ready and go for it. Don’t waste those precious hours. Something that I found highly motivating was setting myself a treat that I could only have once I had complete the work. Again, so simple, but was 100% effective.

Invest in Some Gorgeous Stationary.

If you’re like me and still love the good old fashion way of putting pen to paper, than treat yourself to some gorgeous stationary. This is something I did towards the end of last year and it was such a great moment when I was able to get them out and start using them. This year, I decided to invest in an Appointed Co. organiser and notebook. These are simply gorgeous and simple, It’s a pleasure to use them and really helps push me to sit down and get planning.

So treat yourself to some gorgeous stationary and give yourself some self-care and take a moment to write down your goals you want to tackle for 2022.

Get Meal Planning.

Something that I live by. I honestly don’t know how people do the food shop without it. I love meal planning, mainly because it takes the pressure off thinking about what I want to eat each week. I take about half an hour on a Thursday to plan out our meals, write down what we need and then either do an online order or go to the shop the next day. It’s a simple ritual but enough for me to feel good that we’ve got every meal planned, we’re not going to do any impulse takeaways and we’re not fussing about what we want for dinner after a long day of hard work.

I love using this meal planner with attached shopping list every single week. For mid-way/ last min urgent things, I use this simple list notepad.

Implement a Mini Routine.

Now this is does not need to be as detailed as your daily routine. However, giving yourself mini tasks/ goals you do each week at the same time every week is a great way of ensuring you tackle everything as well as giving you a sense of achievement. These mini to-do’s can be as simple of ensuring you go on a weekly long walk on a Sunday (this is something we do every single week prior to Dash), or tackling the house cleaning every Friday (something that I should go into more detail in another post).

However you want to plan it, set yourself weekly to-do’s on particular days. You’ll be surprised how quickly these become habits and you’ll soon be doing them on auto pilot.

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