Happy Holidays & Prepping for Fresh Beginnings

an edited lifestyle fresh beginnings

Signing off and Prepping for the New Year…

I’m currently typing this curled up on my sofa with some Christmas films on in the background, ready to start the festive celebrations. This year, it will be just the three of us at home and I’m very, very excited for this. Now we have Dash, I’m looking forward to a long walk in The Moors, curling up with some homemade cinnamon buns on Christmas morning and just relaxing and unwinding. After a complex year, it’s time to slow it down and look forward to some fresh beginnings.

This year has certainly had some highs. From opening up our own coffee shop and getting a puppy, there’s a lot to celebrate. However, much like the rest of the world, it’s not been the best year. Very much felt like we’ve been in groundhog day, on the same loop. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some change and to move on from the madness of 2021.

Hence why I’m all about fresh beginnings and new starts. I’m very much going to use these week I have before the new year to plan. I want to get my goals in place, actionable steps and a routine set up to help me achieve everything. I’m very much ready for this and cannot wait to change things up in our life.

Fresh Beginnings for 2022.

So what are my plans for 2022? For start, I’m changing up the blog and my social. You will have seen that on my Instagram, I started my feed again and have gone in a totally different direction. Along with this, I’m upping what I’m producing on my YouTube, though difficult with a puppy, I’m hoping to continue to create more video content. As for the blog, I’m going to go back to lifestyle content. Though I still love interiors, I miss doing more lifestyle posts, so I will be doing a few more posts as and when the inspiration strikes.

Personally, I’m getting back on with my health and fitness. My husband and I are going to do Veganuary for a month as a detox, I’m going to start to get a workout routine back in. More importantly, I want to focus on self care, giving my mind as well as my body some TLC.

Along with content making and goal planning, I will be using it to get the house back to normal. A complete clean up and move around so that I can start to make headway with some of the renovation plans.

For now, I’m putting my feet up and relaxing. Merry Christmas everyone and I’ll see you in the new year!

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