2019 December Goals

an edited lifestyle december goals

The Final Monthly Goals!

Wow, can you believe it’s the end of the year? I honestly cannot believe I’m going to be typing up my December goals. It seems like yesterday we were enjoying the summer. Now, the weather is cold, the nights are getting longer and I’m looking forward to the new year. A new decade in fact!

I feel like this month is going to whizz by, so I’ll keep these 2019 December goals short. Every single one of my weekends has been taken up with activities, seeing family or blogging. I’m honestly looking forward to finishing work on 23 December, because I’m not going back until six January so I’m going to enjoy some proper time off. Watching films, planning on taking over the world, get myself ready for new year.

And with that in mind, here are my 2019 December goals…


This one is technically cheating as this one has already been completed, as you’ll see from the lovely new design. I have been wanting to switch up the blog for a while now and took the plunge this Wednesday. Honestly, I love the new design. I feel like it reflects the brand I’m building. I have such high hopes for where I want to take the blog in 2020 and I can’t wait to take you along with me.



Something that I’ve talked about on my Instagram Stories, but I have decided for my January challenge that I’m going to give up sugar for 30 days. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted to sugar (as in sweet treats, chocolate, etc). However, I would also say that I’m entirely NOT addicted to sugar. I always love setting myself challenges for January and I feel that this would be the perfect one. I’m preparing myself for the withdrawal symptoms that I’m sure I will be feeling so getting the prep done before the beginning of the new year ensures I put myself in a good place to start this challenge.


I have so many amazing plans for what I would love to achieve in the new year. So there is a lot of planning going on for 2020 and I cannot wait to share them with you. I wish I could speak more about it with you, but I really don’t want to spoil it for you lovely lot. Just watch this space…

What I will say is that I love to use January as a ‘new year, fresh starts’ starting point. I know it’s not everyone thing, but I love tracking progress from a nice date that can’t be forgotten. So prepping the house, fitness and self-care for brand new starts is one of the main goals this month.


I’m happy to say that for the last five weeks I have not missed a workout! I’m so happy that I have managed this achievement. Right now, I’m feeling more confident in myself and though I can’t see changes, I know they are coming. What I would like to do now is to up my fitness. Currently, I work out three times a week, however, I’d like to up this to 5 a week slowly. I currently use the Sweat app, which I swear by, so I’d like to start adding a challenge into my workouts.

I’m also planning to do a review of the app, along with transformation pictures in the new year, but not until I feel confident to post them. However, if you do have any questions, feel free to drop me a comment or an email and I’ll happily answer them for you.

What are your 2019 December goals?


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