Things to Do on Sunday to Have a Better Week

an edited lifestyle wellbeing things to do on Sunday

Ready to take on the week!

As much as Sunday is a day of rest, it’s the perfect day to also prep ourselves for the next week. I love using Sunday as the ‘start’ of my week. Getting my ducks in line ready for the week ahead. There are certain things to do on Sunday that kick my butt into gear and get me motivated. Here are my best hacks for getting a head start on the week…


Meal prep is a new thing that I’ve recently started doing, but it’s changed my life. I love spending an hour on a Sunday prepping healthy, nutritious lunches that I can grab out of the fridge before work. I don’t have to worry about making them the evening before, so even when I come home tired, I know my lunch is ready for the next day. Allowing me to rest and unwind from a hard day of work.

Meal prepping is a whole blog post in itself. For now, start small with breakfast or even snack pots. There are so many videos on YouTube and posts on Pinterest that will help you out. My blog post will be coming soon I promise.


Every Sunday I look at my finances and see how I’m doing ready for the week ahead. Now, to not go too far to the deep end, but a weekly budget is a great way to start getting to know your finances and feel prepared for the week ahead. Plan a no spending week or move a few things around so you can enjoy a cheeky Wednesday coffee on your way to work. A budget makes you feel accountable and in control, without being too much for you to handle.


It is so easy to go a whole weekend without drinking water. I’ve done it so many times! You always pay the price on Monday when you feel bloated, groggy and dehydrated. Set reminders to keep drinking that H2O and you’ll feel ten times better on Monday. I love my water bottle that has a timer on it. It allows me to drink the perfect amount each hour, and it’s a great little boost that keeps me going with the water.


an edited lifestyle wellbeing things to do on Sunday  an edited lifestyle wellbeing things to do on Sunday


Everyone gets the Sunday dreads. One way to fend these off is to prep an epic playlist that will help you get out of bed and pump on your way to work. Monday’s are taken up right now with one of my favourite podcasts (I get so excited to listen to it in the car on the way to work). However, for times where I am without an episode, deciding on a motivating playlist that I can play the moment I get in the car is a great push on a Sunday evening.


So we’ve done our meals, we know where our money is at. Now it’s time for our prep. Get that sheet mask on, paint those nails and take some time for yourself. You’ll be amazed how taking an hour for yourself can do wonders for your mood and get yourself ready for the week ahead. I always do mine in front of a great film that I’ve seen countless times before. It means I can enjoy it without concentrating on it too much.

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