My Favourite True Crime Podcasts

an edited lifestyle true crime podcasts

I am addicted to true crime podcasts. I’m about one or two episodes away from cork-boarding my spare bedroom up and coming up with conspiracy theories. I’m not sure what it is about true crime podcasts that I’m addicted to, but apparently, I’m not the only one. There has been a surge in this genre of podcasts and I don’t see this slowing down anytime soon.

I tend to listen to a true crime podcast either in the car or at work. I don’t like working in complete silence. Even when I’m at home I stick on Friends, even though I’m not watching it. It’s just chatter that I can follow without concentrating on. Some of the true crime podcasts are like this also. Some natter in the background and every now and then something will catch my interest.

I’m sure I’m going to discover more later on in the year, but for now, here are my favourite true crime podcasts that you need to download right now…

My favourite true crime podcasts

I’m not sure who introduced me to this podcast, but I’m so thankful I found it. Without revealing too much, it involves family politics and what happens when it goes array. It’s a crime that still hasn’t been resolved and I do believe the trail is about to begin (I’ve tried not to research it too much so as not to get spoilers). It’s short and sweet, only six episodes


I found out about this one through Ella of Coco’s Tea Party. This one was highly addictive. I can’t really describe it without spoiling what went one, but there’s a twist that I was not expecting. Again, short but a great one for listening on the way to work of if you’ve got a long car journey.


This one broke me. My work colleague introduced me to this and I was totally invested. It’s about a Canadian girl called Cleo who was adopted by US family as part of the sixties sweep (you have to Google as to what this is). Her family is told that she attempted to hitchhike home and was murdered, but no one knows if that is what exactly happened to her or where she was buried. I was broken when I found out the truth and also ashamed that I had no idea what the sixties sweep was about and that this even happened. It will seriously one your mind to world history and to look outside what’s happening in your own country.


an edited lifestyle true crime podcasts


Particularly season two, which is about the Zodiac Killer. I’m aware of this serial killer but didn’t know the full extent. This podcast goes deep into the facts and the conspiracies behind the Zodiac’s identity. Currently, they are using DNA and genealogy to hopefully identify him so I’m intrigued to see how this turns out.


An oldie but a goodie. The true crime podcast that launched them all. This one I still dip in and out of, particularly if I’m working, just because I know the ‘storyline’ so it’s easy to follow when I’m concentrating. Again, Adnan’s had his appeal so it will be interesting to see what comes of that. There’s also the mini-series happening on Sky which my work colleague and I are excited to watch. Definitely, one to dip your toes into the water of true crime.


Now, not a podcast about a murder. But it is about a crime and it’s true what’s going on. This podcast is all about Muller’s enquiry into the Russian interference with the US election and it’s gripping. There’s almost two years worth of episodes and I’ve gone back to the beginning. It’s startling what’s gone on. The podcast is hosted by someone who works for the government, so it’s interesting hearing what’s coming from Capitol. If you’re even remotely into US politics, you need to give this a listen.

What true crime podcasts do you like listening to?


an edited lifestyle true crime podcasts



  1. Okay, this might sound like a complete joke, but Im scared of anything that has one of those scary horror background music. Does this podcast have those?

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