2019 January Goals

an edited lifestyle january goals

New year, new goals to kick butt with…

Ah, January. The kick up the butt I needed to get my butt into gear. I don’t want to harp on about it too much, but with my Granddad passing at the beginning of December, I feel like I used it as an excuse to say ‘fuck it’ to everything. Don’t get me wrong, I needed the time off to process everything and I’ve enjoyed having nearly two weeks off over Christmas. But I really stopped doing everything. Projects I wanted to complete before the new year didn’t happen. Now is the time to get motivated.

And whilst I do believe that new year, new you isn’t something you have to do, I do like using the new year as a mark for starting something. Challenges, projects, it’s a time mark post for you to see your progress. I don’t think I’ve been too dramatic with my goals I’ve set myself this month, but there’s one or two that are going to really push my motivation.

I’m ready to start being my overachieving, positive self again. And my January goals are designed to kickstart these traits in me into gear…


an edited lifestyle january goals

My January goals.

Now I know what you’re thinking: ‘Elle, you just did your living room makeover at the beginning of the year?’ I even did a living room makeover reveal post. However, eagle-eyed readers and people on my Instagram have noticed that the green has gradually disappeared. Sadly, the green was not for me and a month after we finished painting it, I started painting again. We’ve gone for a fresh bright white. However, since the last painting nearly killed my husband, I said we could take our time painting it. And boy, did we take our time with it! We’ve got one more wall to do and we will get it done before the end of January. We will. I promise.


Another project that I wanted to be completed in 2018. Whilst I had every intention to have the kitchen makeover finished before December, there have been a few things that have stopped up. Our kitchen flooded so the flooring was removed and to this day (two months later) we still have no flooring. Our landlord dragged their heels with it and the workman wouldn’t do any work over the Christmas period. However, the upside is that the hideous terracotta flooring is gone and the landlord is letting me chose the next flooring, so there’s a win in there. I don’t think it will be completely finished before the end of January, but the goal is to make more progress on it. We’ve done the walls and the skirting board. Now it’s just time for the cabinets, the counter and then some decorative bits. Fingers crossed we complete a good chunk of the work.


So I’ve decided to be vegetarian for January. I know for a fact I couldn’t be vegan, I love cheese, milk and eggs too much! I wanted to set myself some food challenges as these are some that I normally fail with, such a giving up sugar. This one, however, I think is something I can achieve and so far, I’m doing good! I am going to be eating fish, otherwise, my dry skin is going to fight back with a vengeance. It’s going to be interesting how I substitute protein and I am going to go out for dinner this month so finding veggie options is going to be interesting. Depending on how I feel, I may keep this up, but I’m keeping the rules loose at the moment. Starting off with no meat for the month and see how it goes…


an edited lifestyle january goals


One that is constantly at the top of my habit list. I just don’t drink water. It’s not that I don’t like the taste, I can just go for a long time without having a glass of water. The longest has been a day and a half- not a proud achievement of mine. I’ve started placing glasses of water around the most used rooms that I go into, home office, living room and bedroom and I’m forcing myself to have a small glass in one sitting an hour a day. So far, I have skipped an hour here and there, but I’m drinking more than I usually do and I’m noticing a difference. Hopefully, I can keep this up for the long run.


As I mentioned in my 2019 goals, Lee and I want to travel more this year. The problem is, we pretty much say this every year but never get around to booking one. As a lovely gift for the new year, HMRC gave Lee a very nice tax refund (wahoo!) so we’re using this as motivation to push us to book something. Whether it is booking a UK city break or putting down a deposit for a big holiday, this month we’re putting something into the books! Any suggestions for places to travel to, do let me know. The more help the merrier.

What are you planning for the year ahead?



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