My Autumnal Playlist

Songs to Get You in the Mood for the Season Ahead…
Introducing my autumnal playlist! I truly love creating soundtracks to the season and this year, I decided to make mine available to the public. I finally got Spotify (I know, very late to the game) and so I can ensure my playlist is available to anyone who wants to join me in romanticising their life this season. Which, I believe is everyone who reads my blog.
This seasons playlist is called Main Character Fall. With soundtracks and songs from my favourite films and TV series, I wanted to create something that made anyone listing to the autumnal playlist feel like a main character in their own life. There might be a few songs you’ve not heard of (I’m truly hoping you’ll all fall in love the the Ally McBeal songs) and some recognisable ones if you’ve started rewatching Gilmore Girls from the beginning.
My Autumnal Playlist.
A fair warning, the playlist is over four hours long. I cannot edit and wanted to include all the tracks that evoked memories from watching the shows. The good news is, you can play this from start to finish whilst taking a long drive somewhere (a very long drive…) or, simply just chilling in your home on a Sunday morning. There’s a real mixture of tunes. Hopefully, something for everyone.
There will be other seasonal playlists coming your way, I’ve already started work on the Christmas playlist. Also four hours long. What can I say. I love Christmas. And, the new years eve on is already being worked on.
If there are any other type of seasonal playlists you’d like me to create, let me know in the comments below or in my DMs on Instagram.