My Evening Routine

Finishing the Day to Start the Morning on the Right Foot…
As you would have read in my morning routine post, my evening routine is just as important. Without getting myself in the right frame the evening before, there’s no way I’m able to function at my best at 5 am the next day. My evening routine is something that has been with me since I was a teenager. My high school was fairly (a mild way of putting it) strict. That meant if you forgot a book that you needed that way = detention. Which sounded worse than death when you’re that young. So every evening I would make sure my back was packed and ready to go, and it’s stuck ever since.
If you’re interested in changing up your evening routine and implementing some best practices into your life, here’s my evening routine and a few wellness tips.
My Evening Routine.
6: 00- 6:30 pm: Get home/ finish work, playtime with Dash, feed him his dinner
7:00 pm: Make dinner, hang up washing, do some cleaning, pack bag for work, eat dinner
7:30 pm: Do washing up, prep lunches for tomorrow, family walk with Dash
8:00 pm: TV time with Dash, Kong with peanut butter
9:00 pm: Head upstairs, Dash bedtime, evening skincare routine, put on room diffuser
9:20 pm: Read a book, manifestation
10:00 pm: Bedtime, lights out, phone on sleep mode

Give Yourself Winddown Time.
For me, I need at least an hour in the evening to decompress and relax. This involves taking off my makeup, doing my deep-clean evening skincare and just switching off your mind. It’s perfect, I feel instantly calmer and ready to relax. Even my husband knows not to bother me during this time.
You may only need half an hour, or maybe two hours. Whatever you need for me-time for yourself.
Reading is a Must.
As part of this hour, I love to read. It’s the only time in the day I find myself being able to do this. Currently, I’m loving this manifestation book. I’ve spoken about it in this previous post, it’s a great starter for those wanting to practice manifestation in their life.
If you don’t fancy reading, that’s fine. Maybe you’ll do some knitting, or practice meditation. It’s all about turning off technology and switching off from the digital world.
Prep, Prep, Prep!
As I’ve spoken about in this post already, I love to prep for the next day the night before. There’s no better feeling than knowing what you’re going to wear and that your bag is ready to go. It means I can truly turn my brain off in the evening, knowing everything is taken care of.