Miles & Co Coffee Week Three | The Progress

We are on the Final Stretch of the Build…
Wow, it’s been a full week here at Miles & Co Coffee HQ. So much has happened and I cannot believe the difference that has been made in a week. The end is in sight and we are almost ready to reveal the finished results to you.
So what are the main changes to Miles & Co Coffee shop? Well, the main things were the bar getting installed and laying down the flooring. The bar was built by Woodworks Studio Yorkshire and I’m so happy with their work. Joe has been a lifesaver, not only building the bar but helping out with little things here and there (I got a full lesson in carpentry and I feel like I can tackle any project). Joe also lent me his bench saw and I fell in love with a power tool. I want to add one to my collection so badly!
Along with the bar building, Joe also installed the tile and I’m so happy I went with this vintage-looking tile. It fits in with the style of the building and brings all the different style elements together. Due to time limits, I actually had to grout the tiles and learnt yet another skill that I can add to my DIY resume. Can’t wait to take on a tiling project in the future.
The final part of the week was adding in the flooring. This we just finished last night and the oak wood has made such a difference to the space. I honestly cant wait to show it all off nice and finished to you.

What’s Next for Miles & Co Coffee?
The final thing for the coffee shop is to decorate. As I’m writing this, we received four deliveries in the space of 30 minutes, the coffee machine got installed and we are 72 hours out from opening the shop. As you’re reading this, we have a few things to finish off, something you’ll be able to witness on my YouTube channel with the final part of my renovation series.
I’m so glad I took all these pictures of the renovation. I have a visual diary series of the build. It’s been amazing to see where we started almost four weeks ago to where we are now. Today is exactly one month since we got the keys and to see the progress we’ve made has made me so proud. I’m going to get these images printed and place them in a photo album so I can show our children this exciting adventure. I’m so proud of us. This new chapter is so exciting and I can’t wait to take you all on it.