How to Style Your Holiday Mantel

My Go-To Formula for a Classic Holiday Mantel…
The one thing that always gets me in the Christmas mood is decorating my holiday mantel. Our fireplace mantel is the focal point of our living room and it is always a moment during the holidays. This year, I wanted to ensure that I invested in classic, quality pieces that would last the test of time.
I’m completely obsessed with what I’ve created for my holiday mantel. I now have a design formula that I know I will be able to pull out year after year. If you’re looking to create something similar in your home this season, here are my three tips on creating a classic holiday mantel.
Drape Your Garland to Oneside.
I love to create unbalance and make the eye dance, so draping my new holiday garland to oneside does this perfectly. Not only does it provide a focal point for other decor pieces, but it creates an imperfect, lived-in look. To secure the garland, either use command hooks to hold it in place or secure it under your stocking holder.

Stagger Your Decor.
Add to the unbalance and create more of an interest by doing odds and not being symmetrical with your decor. For me, as I have the garland to the oneside, I decided to create some height on the other side. This year, I’ve done it with tapered candles.
Along with this decor, I like to oneside also, which is easy as there’s not many to put up. Again, it’s this imperfection and unsymmetrical that gives the styling a lived-in look. This brings a homely feel to the room, that cosy vibe every home should have this season.
Add Some Personality.
To add a little something extra and personalisation to your holiday decor, customise your stockings with initials or ornaments. I love these handmade wire initials that I’ve placed on my stockings. Not only does it help to identify who’s stocking belongs to who, but it adds some whimsical to your decor. Plus, the champagne gold pulls the whole decor together.