How to Organise Your Fridge

an edited lifestyle organise a fridge

Everything in it’s Place…

It maybe extreme to organise your fridge. But ever since I invested in product to get it into place, it’s been a total game changer. I love keeping things in my home neat and tidy. It helps me centre my mind and keep myself calm and happy in my home. I really do love organisation, it works with my personality. It’s in every area on my home, including my fridge.

Prior to the kitchen makeover, we had the small under the counter fridge which could not be organised in any way. So when we got the new fridge, I knew this was the time to take on the opportunity to get product in place.

My inspiration has come from The Home Edit, my go-to happy place for all things organisation. I fell in love with the way they organised fridges and pantry and I wanted to recreate this in our home. Along with this, there are other ways that I like to keep everything neat and tidy in our fridge. If you’re looking to organise your fridge, here are a few other things you can do so it’s always a dream to open the door every time you come to make your food…


In order to get your fridge organised, it’s important to know how and where to place your food. I’ve been told that as a number one rule is to have your meat as low as possible. If not packaged it should ways sit on the bottom shelf. For our fridge, the bottom shelf is where our Hello Fresh bags sit as it’s the only place that they really fit. Below that is our veg drawer.

The rest of our food sits in a logical order to myself. To the top is where our drinks and some of our fruit sits there. Below that is very much diary shelf. Right underneath there is protein and lunch. As I said, it makes sense to me.

When it comes to putting your food in order, I would alway keep food hygiene suggestions in mind but also what works for you and your family.


an edited lifestyle organise a fridgean edited lifestyle organise a fridge  an edited lifestyle organise a fridge


As much as I can, I will not allow plastic in my fridge. Loose veg in the drawer and transferring everything else into other containers. It’s not always possible but where you can I would always recommend to get recycling. Most food packaging cannot be stacked on top of each other, so you’re always going to have issues of not seeing all the food you have.


When it comes to our fridge organisation, I had to go clear with our storage. I can see everything and I know exactly what is in my fridge. As I mentioned above, where I can I will take away packaging. So things like our blueberries and tomatoes I like to stack in glass Tupperware. It’s friendly to the environment, stacks easily in our fridge and just looks so much better! In order to know (or let my husband know) where things need to go, I love use labels on the plastic boxes that sit in our fridge. It takes thinking time out of grabbing things and it looks really great. I would highly recommend going with the clear storage. Once you try them out, you’ll never go back!




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