Creating a Chic Home Office to WFH From

an edited lifestyle interiors chic home office

Creating a Space You Want to work in Every Single Day…

It is coming up to almost a year since I started working from home and my home office has taken many different forms. From the make-shift workspace that I thought was only going to last a few months to the permanent space that now occupies my living room. I’m very lucky that you guys love my chic home office. You guys are always complimenting it on my Instagram feed. I have a few tricks up my sleeve as to how I’ve created a space that I enjoy working in every single day. Here are my top tips for creating a chic home office space…


A step that is often overlooked. You may not have a full room dedicated to an office. Therefore, you need to limits with your WFH space. For me, my home office is to the side of my living room. In my brain, this section is my work-zone. Define your zone and quick space plan. Set yourself boundaries as to where you’re dedicating to work during the day.


Next, you need to edit and refine the space. If you’ve taken over a desk, completely empty the drawers. Sort through the things that should stay in the home office and things that you need to move (or throw). Be purposeful with these piles, you want to make sure there are no distractions that are going to pull you away from your work and merge your two lives together.

If you are moving to the kitchen table, then make sure you have some form of storage that you can transport at the beginning and end of your workday. There can be an urge just to leave everything out for the next day. But if you do this, you’ll never escape work and that will be it for you. I like to shut my laptop away in my chest of drawers on a Friday evening, so I’m not staring at it during the weekend thinking about work.


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Get creative with your desk and style it. I like to have a couple of coffee table books stacked up, a vase and a fabulous pen pot out on show. I’m also lucky to have some artwork behind my laptop to look at also. Much like you’d decorate your desk in your work, you’ll want to do the same here. It’s all about creating a space that you want to be in. Why not get some fresh florals for your working space for an added bit of colour?


I cannot think of anything worse than messy cables. I absolutely hate them. Currently, I have a couple of cables for different laptops, so it’s essential to use cable tidies to make sure that nothing gets tangled and my mind doesn’t explode. How to I keep them away out of my eye range during the day? I have a perfectly placed plant and magazine rack that hides the plugs and keeps everything nice and neat.


Being in a chic home office also means being practical. So whilst creating a gorgeous working space, make sure you invest in things that are going to help you during the working day. The first being a good chair. You want something that is going to support your back during that day, whilst also looking cute. Next, laptop stands. I’m a huge believer in getting your laptop up to eye level, less strain on your neck. It’s essential to look after your body while working from home, to take the time and money to invest in these things that will help support you while you’re working.



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