My 2021 Goals

an edited lifestyle 2021 goals
New Year, New Start, New Goals…

Happy New Year everyone! Did you have a fabulous start to 2021? Now that NYE celebration headache (aka a tiny hangover) has worn off, it’s time to think about my 2021 goals. Much like last year’s goals, I’m breaking it down into the usual three sections: health, family and work. I’ve been doing these for my monthly goals for all of 2020 and it’s helped me towards achieving everything I wanted to last year.

Since 2020 felt like a total right off for all of us, I’m so excited to jump on these 2021 goals and get cracking with bossing this year. Here are my plans for 2021…


Last year, my husband and I wanted to travel a little more than we are used to. That came crashing to a halt last year. All our trips got cancelled, so this year, ALL the travel is happening. The two main trips are Edinburgh and my birthday trip to Paris. The Paris trip is getting a huge boost and is going to be totally chic and stylish. Think Emily in Paris. It’s happening.

We’ve also pledged that we are going to do some travelling once a month once it’s safe enough to do so. It doesn’t have to be an abroad trip, we’ll take a holiday somewhere in England. We’ve been stuck in our house for so long, we’re just happy to be looking forward to getting out there and exploring.

Another thing we’re doing as a family is giving our finances a 180. If 2020 taught us anything, is that having a good handle on your finances. One of our main goals this year is to start saving towards a house. It’s going to a long process but it’s something we are looking forward to working towards. We are also starting to get emergency savings up, money reserves, all things to help us towards not living paycheck to paycheck. We want to leave 2021 being total badasses with our finances.



an edited lifestyle 2021 goals  an edited lifestyle 2021 goalsan edited lifestyle 2021 goals  an edited lifestyle 2021 goals


The main health goals that I have for 2021 is to get myself into tip-top shape. I did so well during the summer, however, towards December, it started to slide away. For my 2021 goals, the very first day, it’s back into shape. I’m going to start BBG on the Sweat app from the very beginning and keep more of a track of my progress on my Instagram Stories. I’m going to break down this goal into a separate post, as there’s so much to cover in what I’ve got planned for fitness.

Something that we’ve all learnt from last year is how important our health is. My husband and I are really looking to invest in supplements, anything to give our bodies and immunity a boost. We’re still doing some research into it, but we’ll hopefully be setting off in the right direction soon.


With me starting a new job towards the end of last year, so all my focus is crushing it and being a total boss lady. I’m really excited to take my career to the next level. Things are going great and as I return back to work after a quick break, I’m really excited to take things to the next level.

In terms of the blog, I’ve decided to up my posting to four times a week. I’ve been wanting to do it for a while and decided to wait until the new year for the new start. A little extra content on the blog that I’m hoping you’re going to love.





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