How to Ensure You Achieve All Your Goals this Year
To Ensure You Tackle All Your Goals in 2021…
Everyone knows I love setting myself goals. However, I like to be realistic with the goals that I set myself. You have to honest with yourself on what you can do to achieve all your goals within this year. Now, this is not to difficult to do and get yourself into the right place to be a total woman-boss and complete all your goals in 2021. The key is in the organisation and taking the time to really plan your goals.
If you’re willing to take an evening with a glass of wine and really sit down and tackle each of these steps, you’ll be heading in the right direction for achieving everything you want to this year. Don’t worry, I’ll be cheering you on from my Instagram feed. Here are the three steps I go through to make sure I achieve my goals each and every month…
You may have a number of goals, but you’re never going to complete them if you don’t categorise them correctly. For myself, on a monthly basis, I have three categories, family, health and work. At the beginning of each year, I like to think of the main goal and what the smaller goals that fit into these areas. So each month, I like to plan out the smaller goals that will build-up to this main on. Sit down with a pen and paper or a spreadsheet and get planning the main goal you want to tackle and the smaller goals that will lead to this.
Another thing you can do to ensure you achieve all your goals this year is to get specific. With anything you want to boss completely, you need to get hella specific with the hows and whats. This is no different to goal setting. It’s easy to say you want to do something, but you have to work out the details in order to make sure you can fully achieve them. What is the time frame of this goal? What ways can you track your progress? Does this goal need breaking down a little further to make sure you smash it?
Take your plan figuring out these and you’ll be on your way to making sure your ducks are in order to smash these goals.
Again, another important, if not the important step in goal setting. The why of your goals is so valuable in ensuring you achieve your goal. You need to know your why in order to be sure you’re heading in the right direction. This way will also become your North Star, the guide that you’ll measure your progress by in making sure you’re going to smash this goal. Write down the why and keep it somewhere handy (perhaps on your phone). It’s great for when you’re having a moment of crisis to whip it out and remember the reason behind your hard work.