Simple Outfits to Wear this Christmas Day

an edited lifestyle fashion simple outfits christmas

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Something Simple to Wear on the Big Day…

This Christmas is going to be a little different. In terms of the big day and what we are going to wear, I feel we are all in two minds about it. Personally, I want to wear some simple outfits to wear this Christmas day. However, I’ve spent most of the year in leggings, so I do want to get a little dressed up. I simply love this time of year, so I do want to celebrate and get a little dressed up.

In terms of simple outfits to wear this Christmas day, I’m going to leave the sequins for another day. New Year’s Eve to be precise. No one wants to be a glitter ball at the table. Instead, I’m going for patterns, softer materials and a little comfort. I got this plaid skirt at an absolute bargain price! It’s so comfortable and flattering. Yes, it is a pencil skirt but the wrap allows for some comfort. Pairing this with my simple long sleeve top will be ideal. In terms of footwear, I think I am going to stick to my fluffy slippers. There’s no need to put on heels and these will keep my toes warm when I need them to. Throw on a cardi if I get a little chilly and I’m good to go!


an edited lifestyle fashion simple outfits christmas  an edited lifestyle fashion simple outfits christmas


If you wanted to wear leggings (which is very tempting) I would look to pair this with a fabulous oversize jumper. Either a super fluffy one or something with pearls or embellishment on it. Another thing to also consider is a dress, something super flowy, in a Christmas colour. I love a bit of cream, but this could be dangerous near the gravy! Something in a deep green or red would look fabulous and fit the season perfectly!

Here are some of my suggestions for Christmas. I hope you also find something that you love and are going to feel fabulous in!









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