Small Practices to Help Make the Most of Your Mornings
MAKING THE MOST of Your Mornings to HAve a Fantastic Start to Your Day…
My morning routine has become very important to me, especially over the past couple of months. It truly gets my started for my day. I feel more focused and determined to kick butt when I go through it all. Establishing a morning routine has taken its time, but has been so worth it.
When I first started creating my morning routine, I started by introducing small practices one at the time. Little by little, I built a routine that allows me to get the most out of my mornings. If you’re wanting to seize the day and create some time to get you into the right mind frame, here are my top moments that can help you make the most of your mornings…
I have found this to be something that I very much look forward to. I have this before my first coffee and it really wakes my body up. Lemon water also is a great way to boost hydration, get some more vitamin c into your body, supports weight loss and helps improve skin. It takes me no time at all to make (as you will have seen on my Instagram Stories) and I find it a really nice moment in my morning.
One that is not technically a morning routine. However, one practice that will allow you to make the most of your mornings is to plan your outfit the night before. It means it’s all there waiting ready for you. Less brain time in the morning trying to put something together. Plus you feel fancy and ready to take on the world. Win-win in my book.
My morning skincare routine is my pamper session in the mornings. It’s so important to me as I truly feel you should invest in skincare more than makeup. I really like to take my time with my skincare, massage in the products and give my skin and minds some TLC. This is something I would highly recommend investing in your skincare. This doesn’t always mean money, but rather time and energy in finding the right products for you.
Now I know this is not for everyone, but getting your body moving first thing in the morning is one hundred per cent worth it. I love working out first thing in the morning, especially my morning walks in the woodlands. I love putting on a podcast, taking a coffee and just slowly waking myself up ready for the day. Even if it’s a half an hour walk around your neighbourhood, get your body moving. It will make a world of difference.
Not something we think about before we leave the house. However, just ensuring your house gets a once over with a quick tidy will make a difference. Cleaning up your breakfast posts, putting away beauty bits means it’s not there to welcome you after a long day at work. It doesn’t have to take that long, just a few little bits here and there will make the world of difference!