How to Invest in Yourself & Your Career
Because It’s the Most Important Investment `You’ll make…
I’m a big advocate for self-improvement and to invest in yourself. To me, it’s the most important decision you’ll ever make. Investing in yourself is not an expensive thing to do. Simpling drinking more water for your health is a self-investment! However, it can be confusing on how to invest in yourself career-wise. Many of us rely on our work to provide this for us, hold our hand through the process. But what if this opportunity is not available to you? What if your work simply doesn’t want to do this for you (we’ve all been in a job that has acted this way). When it comes in how to invest in yourself, this is something you really have to take by the horns and be proactive with.
Here are my top tips on investing in yourself that are quick and easy to action now…
Online courses are a great way to invest in a new skill to help improve your work and career. Right now, there are so many opportunities and offers available. I recently took an email newsletter masterclass and it’s really helped me understand the importance of it and how to implement this change to improve my email list. I’m also interested in investing in this Masterclass subscription later on this year, just to learn something new.
Whatever skills you want to learn, from photoshop to social media marketing, there is an abundance of availability online for you to take in your own time. Commit an evening or a weekend-day to study and you’ll improve on your knowledge in no time.
I have some amazing ladies that I call dear friends, all with their own areas of expertise. I also, have my own set of skills that these ladies cannot reproduce. Much like when you ask a friend for help, skill swapping is a great way to learn something new for very little. By swapping on what you know in exchange for new knowledge, not only do you feel empowered and valid, but your friend does too. Think you have nothing to offer? Think again. My friend provided me with knowledge of Social Media Marketing. I showed her how to budget correctly. A skill is a skill. Serve others with your knowledge.
I love a good conference. For me, I recently went to the Northern Digital City Festival (which was free) and learnt so much. If you are local to Leeds and are in Marketing, I cannot recommend Search Leeds enough. It’s a great day to meet industry experts and develop on your knowledge.
Currently, I would not recommend going to a conference right now, there are other services available that allow you to do the most sensible thing of social distancing. But once life returns to normal, do look into these opportunities within your career field. Many require money, but still a great investment opportunity. Most are free (with travel and lunch you having to pay for) that if are available in your local area, you should absolutely snap up!
This leads me on nicely to another opportunity that I have found so great for advancing my career and has been a huge investment in myself. Networking is a scary thing to start doing, but once you get into the swing of things, can really open up new opportunities available. When I go to blogging events, this is networking to me and take full advantage of this. It’s how I met my bestie and got my current job in Digital Marketing!
Again, right now, I would not recommend going out and networking. But there are digital ways you can do this. I’ve recently joined a Slack group where I’m speaking to Digital Marketers around the world, swapping knowledge and contacts that would be useful to one and other. Find a forum or even a Facebook Group and get chatting. Don’t be sky just be yourself and show off how amazing you are.
Though it’s great to learn a new skill, getting certified means you can stick it on your CV and proudly declare your expertise in that area. I am currently getting certified in Google AdWords, which is free. Google in their Skillshop offer a vast amount of opportunities to get certified in digital marketing, from Analytics to Display Marketing. Much digital software that you might use in your job will have opportunities to get certified, Hootesuite offers different opportunities for Social Media Marketing.
Even if you don’t work in the marketing sector, your job and career will have some form of methods of testing your knowledge and getting some form of recognition for your skills. Get searching on the internet and you’re bound to find something in your field that will elevate you above your colleagues and show how amazing you are.