Easy Ways to Uplevel Your Life Every Day

an edited lifestyle up level your life

Small Little Ways To Live a Fabulous Life…

I’m a true believer in no matter what you’re situation is, you can make your life feel truly amazing. It’s pretty much the mission statement of my blog. To live that gorgeous, fabulous lifestyle, no matter what. Making your life feel amazing and elevated really doesn’t require you to hit all those milestones or buying big-ticketed items. It is in fact the opposite. The small things you do each and every day that can really uplevel your life.

There are so many ways you can give your life a little upgrade which will make you feel utterly fabulous and feel like you can take on the world. All, without breaking the bank. Here are some of my top tips that I practice every day for uplevelling your life…


How you feel in your home can have a big impact on how you feel. A quick and simple way to uplevel your life is to create daily and weekly habits that help change the energy of your home. This can be anything from making your bed every morning (a huge thing for me), buying fresh flowers when possible or getting all the hangers in your wardrobe matching. Those last two things can be achieved regardless of your budget.

Don’t be afraid of also putting some effort into upgrading your home, regardless of your situation. I currently live in rental accommodation, but that hasn’t stopped me from renovating my home, even though it doesn’t belong to me. These changes haven’t broken the bank but have made such a difference in how I feel in my everyday life. Don’t be afraid to test out a room makeover and see what a difference it makes.


As a wedding gift, my gorgeous bestie Lauren got me some Vera Wang Wedgewood champagne glasses. A running joke in our friendship group is that I will never use them because they are too precious. Not even if the queen came and visited! However, when she gave birth to her gorgeous baby boy, I got them out of their protective box I had hidden them in and had some bubbles in them as a celebration. Plus, I loved showing them off on Instagram. Using those special serving ware for a lovely occasion, or even a random Thursday is a great way to uplevel your life. At the end of the day, using these options on a normal day makes that day special. So go on, get the fancy china out for tea tonight!


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That CEO version of yourself that you want to be does not wear anything that they don’t feel confident in. Having a regular purge of your wardrobe and being ruthless with what works for you and what doesn’t is key. I typically do a seasonal cleanout and each and every time I get rid of anything that I don’t feel amazing in. That includes shoes, bags, PJs and undies. If I’m not feeling fabulous in it, I’m not keeping it.

When it comes to replacing those items, consider saving up and investing in something luxurious. Instead of sweatpants (which I have never worn and will not wear them- sorry, not sorry), why not consider investing in some fabulous loungewear and leggings. Think Renata from Big Little Lies loungewear. Utterly chic and fabulous.


I’m a huge believer in regardless of your budget, there are always ways for you to treat yourself. Treating yourself doesn’t mean that you have to break the bank for it to be amazing and special. More importantly, it’s the energy you put behind it that makes it a treat. A treat for me is taking the time to bake something sweet. It’s an hour to myself of TLC where I can turn my mind off and do something creative. Something else I treat myself to is a Starbucks coffee on Pay Day. Not a massive expense but savouring that delicious coffee taste on the way to work, knowing how hard I worked for it is a very good feeling.


The ultimate way to uplevel your life is knowing your wealth. To me, it’s the best form of self-care. Maybe its a relationship (romantic and friendship) that you need to step away from. Or a job where you do not feel appreciated. Perhaps you’re undercharging for your side hustle. Whatever it is, change it now. Find a better job, ditch that relationship and up your prices. Know your wealth and own it. You absolutely deserve it.


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