Dealing with Burnout

an edited lifestyle dealing with burnout

Because it happens to the best of us…

Ah, burnout. If you are following me on Instagram, you’ll know that towards the end of September/ beginning of October- I got burnout badly. I’m a pretty motivated person. But as the days went on, I realised that I simply didn’t want to do the usual stuff that I usually do.

I’ve only had burnout like this before once in my life, ages ago. It’s horrible, but in our modern world, it’s becoming more and more common for us to feel. My generation is one that was told we can do anything and be anything we want to be. But this high acheivingness comes at a cost.

In all fairness, this burnout was my own fault. I’ve been pushing myself at work, with the blog and secret projects that I’ve been working on (which I will be able to share with you soon, I promise). Too much work and play and not enough downtime.

I’m happy to say that I’m over the hump and on the other side. I gave myself a proper rest and some TLC and I’m ready to take on the world again. Here are some of the things that I did/ told myself to help me get over burnout…


an edited lifestyle dealing with burnout  an edited lifestyle dealing with burnoutan edited lifestyle dealing with burnout  an edited lifestyle dealing with burnout


This was probably the hardest thing for me to do. Pushing myself with work and getting everything posted and scheduled. Once I took a step back, had a word with myself and told myself to stop I felt instantly better. I refuse to put out work that I am not 100% happy with. Once I accepted that burnout with hindering my creativity, I took a break. You may have noticed one or two posting schedule slots were missed. You have no idea how much it took me to accept that this is okay. But I’m so glad I did take that pause because the work looks 10 times better and is much more enjoyable for you lovely lot.


Accepting that mentally I wasn’t in a great place, it was time for some TLC. Part of this was small like ensuring I was eating better, drinking more water than usual. Reading some magazines or simply having a Netflix day. Even some beauty care like painting nails and putting a facemask on. These are all things that helped me feel better and get myself back into working form.

Other things I did was book a spa weekend away. Not something we can all do, but if you can I would highly recommend it. I booked a night away at Oulton Hall and as soon as we got there, I put my phone into aeroplane mode and didn’t turn it on until I got back home. The mini detox, as well as a bit of TLC, was exactly what I needed to put myself back to feeling like myself.


This may sound obvious, but talking to someone about how I am feeling does not come naturally to me. Partly because I hate feeling ‘sad’ or ‘gloom’ so by talking about it, I’m admitting that that is how I am feeling. But speaking to my bestie about how burnt-out I helped my mind to address the problem and face it head-on.  If talking about your feelings isn’t in your nature, like me, speaking to a close friend that you trust will make you feel so much better, help address the issue and get you right back on track.

If you are feeling burnout, I hope you take some TLC for yourself and feel back to your awesome self soon. You’ve got this you bad-ass.


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