The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Not Killing Your Plants

an edited lifestyle interiors guide not killing your plants

Because we can all own plants in your homes!

If you’ve been a long time reader/ a follower of me on Instagram, you’ll know about my love for my plant babies. I just love adding any greenery to any room. My plant collection has slowly but surely been growing, I’ve even started propagating them! However, I do understand why owning plants can be scary, especially if you’re known for not being so green-thumbed. However, I’m here to tell you that everyone can own some form of greenery in your home. Here’s my handy little guide to ensure your plant babies can thrive and that you won’t be killing your plants…


With any plant babies, you need to ensure that you’re picking the right plants for you. If you are a novice, don’t be heading to for the fiddle fig leaf! Stick to something that is super easy to look after. A Monstera requires very little attention, you can literally water this once a week and it will still be thriving. I have forgotten mine for two weeks and it grew four leaves! So ensure you start with something and build up to the bad boys once you’ve established your plant growing skills.


Now I know I said you can forget about certain plants and watering them regularly. However, there is an easy way to water them so you don’t end up killing your plants. Enter the drip watering system, a simple tool that feeds water to your plants slowly and straight to the roots. These systems should be in every lazy girl’s toolkit for keeping plants alive. You can give them water once a week and it will continue to keep feeding it slowly but surely. These are honestly a life saver, I’m suggesting them to everyone!


an edited lifestyle interiors guide not killing your plants  an edited lifestyle interiors guide not killing your plantsan edited lifestyle interiors guide not killing your plants  an edited lifestyle interiors guide not killing your plants


I think the one mistake that many people make is that they stick a gorgeous looking in a dull corner like they have seen on Instagram and then leave the plant there. That is a set up for The Gram and not realistic for everyday life. Now I know that you can’t stick every plant right in front of the window. But just ensure that for at least a couple of hours a day the plant gets some form of natural sunlight on their leaves. This will help them thrive and look fabulous!


The worst thing you can do is kick yourself over the fact that your plants died. Things happen! Even I have had some plants that have failed to live to their full potential and I have no idea why it happened. You’ve just got to pick yourself up and try again. If you’re constantly beating yourself up about the fact that you can’t keep a plant alive, then you’ll never keep a plant alive. Start small, set yourself reminders and you’ll get there eventually. Go big doesn’t work in this situation, you will go home with a dead plant. You’ve got this and if you believe in yourself, you will end up with some gorgeous plant babies in no time!

What are your top tips for not killing your plants?


an edited lifestyle plant guide



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