2019 June Goals

an edited lifestyle june goals

We’re halfway there…

I probably say this every single year, but boy has this year gone quickly! I cannot believe we are halfway through 2019. We’ve got six months left and I know for a fact that this year is just going to get busier. I’ve already got so many events planned for the next few months. It’s mind-boggling! And with this in mind, here are my 2019 June goals…


I feel like this is the month that I am going to go all out with blogging. I finally hit 5,000 followers on Instagram (yas!) and I just want to keep pushing it. I’d love to hit 10,000 by the end of the year. Purely because I have so many amazing ideas that involve the swipe-up option. I just want to give you the best content that I can.

Also, I feel like I feel back on the blogging front last month. May wasn’t the best for me, but that’s all going to change. I am back on the blogging game and have so much content that I can’t wait to do. And I hope you guys love what I’ve got planned. If there’s anything you’d like to see or for me to work on, do let me know. I’m always open to suggestions.


I promised myself (and my husband) that I wouldn’t be doing any more makeovers it the house this month. Giving my shelving unit a makeover took a lot of effort, along with our kitchen renovation. That was before I spoke to you guys on Instagram Stories about my plans for the hallway and you were all telling me that I have to do it now.

In reality, this June goal is really easy to achieve. All the hallway needs is a lick of paint on the walls (bye, bye lime green), a new light shade and a few bits of furniture to make the space. That and, of course, some artwork on the wall. Keep your eyes peeled on my Instagram for the end of the month where you might see a cheeky offer that you might be able to take advantage off…


an edited lifestyle june goals


I recently got my hair cut and my hairdresser was horrified that I was my hair every single day. I can’t help it. Us fine-hair girls struggle with not washing our hair regularly, it gets greasy so quickly! However, I am fully aware that I need to get into the habit of not washing my hair every single day. So my challenge this month is that I am going to work my way to not washing my hair every single day. Wish me luck.


This one I’ve been thinking about for a while, but this is the month where I am going to finally start the BBG challenge. In case you didn’t know, the BBG challenge is by fitness guru Kalya Itisines on her Sweat app. Last month I did one of her beginner workout guides and I really enjoyed the workout process. So I decided to sign up to her app and give BBG a go. It stands for Bikini Body Guide and although I’m not aiming for a bikini body, I’m really looking forward to doing the workouts and see how I progress throughout this month. Wish me luck!

What are your 2019 June Goals?



    1. My fingers are crossed for 10K 🙂 Yes, I too read some mixed reviews on BBG, but I think every persons journey is different. If it’s something people want to read, I’m happy to do a review on it once completed 🙂 x

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