2019 April Goals

an edited lifestyle april goals

We’re almost halfway…

We’re nearly at the six-month mark and though this year feels like it’s zipping by, in reality, I feel it dragging. I wonder if it’s partly to do with the political climate (particularly in the UK) or that we’re just finally starting to some lovely sunny weather. Personally, I feel that my 2019 April goals are going to be the most important goals for me this year. They are going to try and push me in the right direction for later on in the year.

March has been a little wakeup call for me for certain areas in my life (more on these later on in my monthly goals). And because of this, I’m kind of using April as a starting point for a little reset. I think that it’s important to reflect and refresh certain goals or areas in your life throughout the year. However, for everyone, there will always be one point in their year that will seem like a catalyst for change. March was that for me. And much of this change is reflected in my 2019 April goals…


an edited lifestyle april goals an edited lifestyle april goals

My 2019 April goals…

March was a little scary in terms of my health. Not in a major way, but I noticed my migraines had been increasing over the past few months. However, at the beginning of March, I was having at least 2-3 serve headaches a week. They were at a point that at one point Lee can home on Saturday and found me crying on the sofa because I was in that much pain.

After seeing the doctor, keeping a headache diary, going to the optician and back to the doctors for a review- it turns out I might have an egg allergy. So for April, we will be cutting out ‘whole eggs’ from my diet (it seems I’m okay when they are mixed into something but not when I have them scrambled- which is my favourite). This is going to be hard, I love eggs. But if it helps with reducing the headaches, anything is worth erasing from my life temporarily.

From seeing the optician, it turns out I’ve gone from long-sighted to short-sighted. I’m under strict instructions to come back in December for a checkup (and not wait four-years like the last time) and I have to wear glasses anytime I’m concentrating, including driving. This is going to be hard as I really don’t like how I look when I wear glasses, it makes me incredibly self-conscious. But again, if it helps my eyes and my health in general, it’s worth pushing through.


With Instagram having it’s major blackout last month, it has cemented with me how important it is to have something that you own that is all yours. For me, this is my blog. You guys know how much I love my little corner of the internet. I really want to hunker down with the seasonal content on the blog. And April is the perfect time with it being Easter. I have a delicious veggie Easter dish for you vegetarians that I cannot wait to share with you. I also looking to do a Spring-clean post and all other Spring-themed posts.

I’m also looking forward to pushing my content on Pinterest. I’ve been playing around with pin styles and already, I’m seeing results (one of my pins got 3K impressions in under 24 hours). I can’t wait to play more with the style and report back to you lovely lot my on my top tips that I hope will help you with your content.


In two weeks, Lee and I will be celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary. It’s a little bittersweet, as we’re looking forward to celebrating, it is now the nex date for the UK leaving Brexit (we’ve both been following what’s going on in detail). But we’re not going to dwell on it too much and our plan is to check out one of the local restaurants in the village we live in, something which we have yet to do since moving here. We’re also filling out our second questionnaire like we did last year, so look out for that coming to the blog soon.


Lee has recently discovered a passion for gardening and plants. I’ve also been dreaming of nice summer weather to come soon so we can hang out in our courtyard. We live in a mid-terrace, which means we have a through-yard, meaning anyone can walk through it. It’s hard to visualise what we want to do in the space to make it our own without blocking peoples access for those who need it. But we’re determined to create something on a budget that allows us to enjoy the summer evening and incorporate some storage (I need to move Lee’s bike out of our kitchen and into a shed). We also can’t wait to start having some planters and to grow some herbs.


Of course, no April goals would be complete without some form of Spring clean. I’m so looking forward to dedicating a weekend to taking unwanted items to the skip and having a huge spring clean. A fresh home for a fresh start. What could be more perfect than that.

What are your monthly goals?



  1. I’m really excited to hear your report on how pinterest has been helping you with your blog. I am a bit inactive on that platform…
    I wish you the best of luck with your migranes <3


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