Staying on Track in January.

an edited lifestyle staying on track in January

Bye, bye January blues…

I am a fairly positive person in my everyday life, even when I’m suffering a lack of caffeine. However, January is dragging! This month feels like it has been going on for ages, and it’s only half-way through the month! However, I’m loving everyones Instagram updates of the new year.

The weather is getting colder, we’ve got snow coming our way (yay…), we’re poor AF but Pay Day is in sight. Generally, I think we can all use a bit of a pick-me-up.

I hate wallowing in sadness or feeling down. So I’m pushing myself to feel upbeat and motivated. Sure, I’m enjoying a day or two on the sofa with Netflix, but I don’t want to waste this time that we’ve got. The new year has only just begun and my calendar is already getting filled up! I’ve been fairly productive this month and feeling really good about it. So, I thought I would share my own advice for staying on top and staying on track in January…


an edited lifestyle staying on track in January  an edited lifestyle staying on track in Januaryan edited lifestyle staying on track in January

How to stay on track in January.

There’s no joy in waiting around to celebrate the big things. I do feel that everyone should take the extra time in 2019 to celebrate the small things in life. Whether it be that I actually had a weekend lie-in for once, my car passed its MOT with no repairs (pray for me on that one everyone) or I managed to figure out that report at work.

A mini fist-pump will give you the extra motivation and boost to start heading to achieve the big things. This year my aim is to mix my goals up. I want to achieve both the little things, such as what I set myself in my monthly goals and some big ones too. The big ones I’m saving for myself. I’m superstitious so I don’t want to jinx them. But when I do complete them, I’ll let you guys all know about them.


I’m a huge fan of list making, it’s how I keep myself on track throughout the year. But sometimes my list of things-to-do does get filled up and I lose momentum. In these cases, I like to do this exercise. Start with a large piece of paper and data-dump on it. Write everything you need doing in January. Next, go through the list and highlight similar tasks in the same colour; home, work, social, etc. Once you’ve categorised the tasks, pick only two things from each category. Aim to have no more than seven things on your list, otherwise, you’ll get overwhelmed. Once you’ve got your list, now is the time to get going!

With any list of tasks, I would always move between big and little things, so that you don’t get bored or feel like you’ve taken on too much. Trust me, completing small chunks out of each area in your life will make you feel a whole lot better!


an edited lifestyle staying on track in Januaryan edited lifestyle staying on track in January  an edited lifestyle staying on track in January  an edited lifestyle staying on track in January


In January, I think it’s fully acceptable to say sod-it to everyone else and put you first, as part of your staying on track in January. December is one long month of reunions, family, visits to complete before the new year and social event after social event. No wonder we’re all wanting to give up come January! I would highly recommend giving yourself a day a week to you, pampering yourself more than you have ever done. Cancel social events if you’re just not up to it. Leave your phone upstairs and have a Netflix marathon. Anything that gives you a bit of TLC and a mental flick of the switch refresh that you need.


And this I mean a bit of healthy eating. I’m not saying give up the pizza and sugar, but after a full on month, I don’t think a little detox would hurt anyone. I’ve gone Vegetarian this month and I feel amazing for it. I’m also drinking a lot more water (two bottles worth a day) and other than the annoyingness of having to pee once every hour, I feel great. Set yourself a mini health goal, nothing too big (I don’t wanna see go to the gym twice a day on anyone’s list) and see how you get on. You’ll be surprised at how much better it makes you feel.


an edited lifestyle staying on track in January

It’s tempting to strip back your month and become a hermit in January. However, if you do this, you’ll be miserable by the end of the month and more likely to slip up. So plan in some events, a brunch, dinner out with your other half. Just don’t go crazy. Know what you can afford and stick to that limit.

Events out don’t even have to cost a pretty penny. In Yorkshire, we have a gorgeous sculpture park and museums that don’t cost anything to go and visit. Even some fabulous country homes where it’s free to walk across the grounds. Perfect settings for taking some Insta-worthy photos. I’m sure there are some amazing things you can do where you live that don’t involve getting your wallet out. Perfect excuse to discover more of the city that you live in.

How are you staying on track in January?



  1. Self care is so important, especially with Blue Monday in January. I find it easier to hit goals such as lower spending in January, as I’m always skint this month!

    Lauren xx – bylaurenjane

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